FlashPoint — Review Score
July 30th, 2008

FlashPoint Pro — Review Score
July 30th, 2008

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Embedded Flash Does Not Work On Another Computer Embedded Flash Does Not Work On Another Computer

I got this question from one of our readers: Thank you for a very good tutorial on how to insert Flash into a PowerPoint presentation. I followed your instructions and it worked great on my computer. Now I have to send this presentation to different clients for a review and the problem starts ... some ...

Activex ActiveX

ActiveX is the successor to OLE 1 and OLE 2. In clear cut, unambiguous terms, this means that ActiveX is a technology that allows components, clients or controls to run individually integrated in another application. The control could be a Shockwave Flash control. The applications are usually web browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer. Alternatively they ...

Can I Insert Flash Files on PowerPoint 2008 Slides (on the Mac)? Can I Insert Flash Files on PowerPoint 2008 Slides (on the Mac)?

This is from Jim Gordon, a Microsoft Office for Mac MVP. Movies in PowerPoint for Mac are supported by Apple QuickTime. Unfortunately, Adobe, the creators of Flash do not make a Flash codec for QuickTime, and no third-party app exists that I know of to support Adobe Flash in QuickTime. This wasn’t always the case ...

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